An authorized representative of the user (individual, clearing firm, brokerage firm, trading firm) must complete and submit the registration form below to receive access to CME ClearPort clearing services.
CME ClearPort registration consists of two distinct processes:
Please Note: Only authorized individuals (i.e., verification officers) should complete and submit registration forms.
The online application form contains the following:
To complete the online Firm & User Registration Form, a designated primary verification officer of the firm must:
Step 1
Register and activate a CME Group Login ID through the CME Group Login Registration Process and instruct a backup verification officer to do the same. The backup must provide the primary verification officer with their newly created CME Group Login ID.
Step 2
Read and agree to the required legal documents including, without limitation, the Exchange User License Agreement (and all relevant documents, schedules and appendices referenced therein).
Step 3
Submit the following information:
After completing the forms, please click "submit" to send the registration form online.
New Firm & Users for CME ClearPort
In addition to the registration, clients need to establish a relationship with a clearing member:
View a list of CME, CBOT, NYMEX and COMEX clearing members.
To edit and disable existing firm and user information, registered firms can submit an email to CME Enterprise Application & System Entitlements:
This form is to be completed if the firm is already registered with CME Group and only additional users need to be added. This form must be completed by a verification officer of the firm. The verification officer must:
Step 1
Have each individual requiring application access create and activate a CME Group Login ID through the CME Group Login Registration Process and provide the verification officer with their newly created CME Group Login IDs.
Step 2
Submit the following information:
After completing the forms, please click "submit" to send the registration form online.
CME ClearPort Additional User Registration Form
For assistance with registration or edit firm details, contact CME Enterprise Application & System Entitlements (EASE) on our 24-hour desk:
U.S. +1 312 456 1560
Europe +44 20 3379 3802
Asia +65 6593 5536