Cash Interest Rates and Non-Cash Collateral Fees

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Rates on USD cash

Financial Safeguards Waterfall Interest Rate Pass-Through
Base House Interest on Reserve Balances (IORB) less 25 basis points
Base Customer IORB less 25 basis points
IRS House IORB less 25 basis points
IRS Customer IORB less 25 basis points
Guaranty Fund 410 basis points

View interest rate for all cash currencies.

Cash Interest Pass-Through Program – FAQ document

Non-cash collateral fees

CME Clearing (CME) charges fees on the below asset types that are posted to CME as collateral to meet Customer and House performance bond requirements.

CME charges a reduced fee rate of 10 basis points (annualized) for the following clearing members:

  • Clearing members that are eligible to participate in CME’s committed credit facility (directly or through an affiliate) and do participate.
  • Clearing members that are not eligible, and do not have any affiliates that are eligible to participate in CME’s committed credit facility.

CME charges the full fee rate of 15 basis points (annualized) for clearing members that are eligible to participate in CME’s committed credit facility (directly or through an affiliate) and do not participate.


More information can be found here.

Asset types subject to the fee schedule:

  • Canadian provincials
  • COMEX gold warrants**
  • Corporate bonds
  • Exchange-traded funds
  • Short-Term UST ETFs
  • Foreign sovereign debt
  • London gold bullion**
  • Mortgage-backed securities
  • Prefunded Treasury Facility (PTF)
  • Stocks
  • Supranational debt
  • U.S. government agency debt
  • U.S. TIPS
  • U.S. Treasuries
  • U.S. Treasury STRIPS

Non-cash collateral fees are based on post-haircut performance bond value. CME does not impose fees on collateral in excess of performance bond requirements or on collateral used to meet Guaranty Fund requirements.

Collateral fees are charged monthly and calculated based on daily balances.

Contact us

For questions regarding the collateral fee schedule or the committed credit facility, please contact

For questions regarding interest rates paid on cash, please contact

CME reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. In the event that changes are made, the revised terms and conditions will be posted to this website.

*Eligible clearing members receive invitations to participate (directly or through an affiliate) in the committed credit facility during the renewal process. The participation amount must be a minimum of $100m to receive the reduced fee rate.

**The fees outlined above for London gold bullion and COMEX gold warrants are additive to transaction and/or storage fees charged to clearing members, which are passed through directly from our custodians.