What's new
1. Are Solana (SOL) and Micro SOL futures contracts available to trade?
2. What are Bitcoin Friday futures (BFF)?
3. What are Micro Bitcoin Euro and Micro Ether Euro futures?
4. What are Ether/Bitcoin Ratio futures?
5. What does it mean to buy or sell Ether/Bitcoin Ratio futures?
6. What is the relationship between Cryptocurrency futures and the underlying spot market?
7. What Cryptocurrency futures are available for trading?
8. Where can I open an account?
9. How can I trade?
10. Which platforms support Cryptocurrency futures trading?
11. Do I need a digital wallet to trade Cryptocurrency futures?
Product details
12. What are the contract specifications?
13. Are Cryptocurrency futures available to trade 24/7?
14. Are Cryptocurrency futures block-eligible?
15. Are Cryptocurrency futures BTIC-eligible?
16. Are Cryptocurrency futures EFP/EFRP-eligible?
17. How are the Cryptocurrency futures daily settlement prices determined?
18. Are Cryptocurrency futures subject to price limits?
19. How are Cryptocurrency futures final settlement prices determined?
20. What is the maximum order size for Cryptocurrency futures on CME Globex?
21. What are the position limits for Cryptocurrency futures?
22. Through which market data channel are these products available?
23. What are the CME CF Cryptocurrency Reference Rates?
24. When are the underlying Reference Rates published?
25. To which CME CF Reference Rates do available Cryptocurrency futures contracts settle?
Fee and margin details
26. What are the fees for Cryptocurrency futures?
27. What are the margin requirements for Cryptocurrency futures?
28. Are Cryptocurrency futures margined in euros?
Calendar spreads
29. What are the available margin credits for offsetting positions between CME Group Cryptocurrency futures?
30. What are the ticker symbol conventions for calendar spread trading?
31. What does the spread price signify? How are separate contracts priced when I do a spread trade?
32. Do the EUR-denominated contracts follow a different spread convention?
Additional information
33. What is CME Group’s policy regarding hard forks?
34. On which exchange are Cryptocurrency futures listed?
35. What regulation applies to the trading of Cryptocurrency futures?
36. What accounting and other regulatory treatment is afforded to Cryptocurrency futures in my local jurisdiction?
37. In which division do Cryptocurrency futures reside?
38. Is there a cap on clearing liability for Cryptocurrency futures?
39. Where do Cryptocurrency futures fall in CME Clearing’s Guaranty Fund?
40. How can I access CME Globex?
41. How can I access the reference rate data?
42. Where can I find more information on Cryptocurrency futures?
43. Where can I see prices for Cryptocurrency futures?