Overview of the platinum market

Figure 1: Platinum is forecast to move into market deficit from 2023

Figure 2: Platinum-for-palladium-substitution as a proportion of overall automotive demand for platinum

Overview of the palladium market

Figure 3: Industrial and jewelery demand decline offsets automotive growth resulting in a flat overall demand profile for palladium, below that of pre-COVID records

Figure 4: Palladium is forecast to move into market surplus from 2025

Figure 5: Globally, palladium output from autocatalyst recycling is forecast to rise 52% on 2022 levels, rising by 1.2 Moz to 3.5 Moz in 2027 where security of supply and subsequent price movements incentivized the change

Background to substitution

Figure 6: Historic bidirectional substitution between platinum and palladium in gasoline and diesel drivetrains based on metal availability and economic viability, following a material surplus or deficit

Reverse substitution

Figure 7: Palladium substitution for platinum to commence in 2025, but it will take time to reverse out the embedded platinum substitution for palladium that will have occurred by then