FAQ: Data Center Sale Leaseback

CME Group Announces Agreement to Sell Aurora, Ill. Data Center to CyrusOne

CME Group to Maintain Co-Location Services and Lease Back Data Center Space

As the CME Group evolves, so do our strategies around our business operations.  As part of the evolution of our data center strategy we have entered into a sale lease back arrangement of our Aurora, Ill., data center with CyrusOne, a global data center provider based in Dallas. While this real estate transaction will reflect a change in ownership of the building in which our data center is located, it will not affect our co-location services offering which continues to be built around fair and equal access to our markets.

CME Group and CyrusOne intend to drive additional value from within their respective data center ecosystems to create retail data center services, new data possibilities, efficient connectivity offerings including diverse cloud access points, and options for Aurora, Ill., based customers to link into other financial data centers where CyrusOne has a presence.

CME Group and CyrusOne share common values in our desire to deliver the highest quality customer experience and robust service offerings tailored to meet the needs of a wide range of customers.  CME Group is excited about the possibilities this new business relationship will offer our global customer base.   

Read the press release.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question Response
Why is CME Group entering into a sale lease back of the Aurora Data Center with CyrusOne? CME Group has entered into a sale lease back of our Aurora, Ill.,data center with CyrusOne, a global data center provider.  CME Group and Cyrus One intend to drive additional value from within their respective data center ecosystems to offer a much broader range of services such as retail data center services and efficient connectivity offerings including diverse cloud access points.
Who is CyrusOne? CyrusOne is a data center provider to the Fortune 1000 and has more than 900 customers in 33 data centers worldwide.  NASDAQ: CONE
What are the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement between CME Group and CyrusOne?  CME Group will enter into a 15-year lease to operate its electronic trading platform, CME Globex, from the data center in Aurora, Ill., as well as continue to offer co-location services there. 
Will CME Group continue to provide co-location services? Yes, CME Group will be business as usual in providing co-location services to our customers. 
Will CyrusOne be offering co-location services to connect customers to CME Globex? No, CME Group will continue to offer co-location services to CME Group customers. 
Will the Master Co-Location Services Agreement (MCSA) require any changes? There may be some minor changes specific to ownership of the building but CME Group does not anticipate any material changes to the terms and conditions of the agreement.   
Will CME GLink be available anywhere else in the facility? No, CME GLink will only be available through the CME Group Co-Location Services offering. 
Will CME Globex, market data platform, clearing and other infrastructure remain at Aurora?  Yes, CME Group has no plans to move its infrastructure from the Aurora data center at this time. 
Will CME Group be adjusting any pricing as it pertains to co-location services? There are currently no changes to the Fee Schedule.  CME Group will continue to adjust and evaluate pricing for co-location services as required.
Is CME Group going to maintain its policy of equidistant cross connects regarding co-location services and CME GLink access? Yes, CME Group will maintain its policy of equidistant cross connects for CME Group Co-Location Services. CME GLink remains a CME Group service to co-location customers within their current leased space.
Will there be any changes to the policies on roof access of the facility or any other microwave considerations? CME Group does not anticipate any changes to the policies on roof access of the facility or any other microwave considerations.
Will there be any changes to the CME Group co-location on site support services such as remote hands, security and shipping and receiving? CME Group will be using its onsite staff to provide remote hands services as we do today. There will be minor changes to security, shipping and receiving and related policies will be updated as required.  For support needs, please contact us: colo@cmegroup.com
When will CyrusOne launch their services at the Aurora, Ill., data center and is there a list of the various products and services CyrusOne will have available? CyrusOne will have a dedicated website to provide a list of their various products and services which will be available at the Aurora, Ill., data center in the next several months. 
Who is the contact at CyrusOne with regards to their data center services? CyrusOne will not be providing services immediately following the announcement of their purchase of the Aurora data center.  Services will be announced at a later time and prospective customers should contact info@cyrusone.com or call +1 855564 3198, menu option #1 for more details.
Who do I contact at CME Group with additional questions? Please contact our Platform Solutions Team:  platformsolutions@cmegroup.com