• CME Globex Notice: December 7, 2015

      • To
      • CME Globex and Market Data Customers
      • From
      • GMSS
      • #
      • 20151207
      • Notice Date
      • 07 December 2015
      • Effective Date
      • 10 December 2015

      Topics in this issue include:


      Critical System Updates

      MDP 3.0: New Schema File and Updated High Bid/Low Ask Statistics Calculations

      Effective this Sunday, December 13 (trade date Monday, December 14), CME Group will continue to implement updates to the calculation of High Bid/Low Ask Statistics and new Schema file for the following MDP 3.0 channels.

      313 CME Globex Interest Rate Options
      316 CME Globex Commodity Futures
      318 CME Globex Equity Futures - excludes E-mini S&P 500
      340 CBOT Globex Commodity Futures
      341 CBOT Globex Commodity Options
      343 CBOT Globex Equity Index Options
      345 CBOT Globex Interest Rate Options
      346 CBOT Globex Commodity Futures II
      360 COMEX Globex Futures
      384 NYMEX Globex Metals, Softs, & Alternative Market Futures
      410 CME Europe Globex Futures
      411 CME Europe Globex Options
      460 MGEX Globex Futures
      461 MGEX Globex Options

      The final set of MDP 3.0 channels for the Production Environment implementation of the new Schema File and the High Bid/Low Ask Calculations are scheduled for Sunday, December 20. A complete description of these changes can be found here.

      Important Note: In order to provide additional testing support for customers, Channel 344 - CBOT Globex Interest Rate Futures in New Release is on Schema version 5. This allows client systems to test in an environment using two different Schema versions at one time.

      Channel 344 in New Release will be upgraded with the Enhancements and the new Schema (version 6) on Wednesday, December 16.

      High Bid/Low Ask Statistics

      • The High Bid / Low Ask Statistics changes are now available in New Release for all channels except 344.
      • Both High Bid / Low Ask Statistics Calculations will be available in the Production environment at the same time for each channel according to the implementation schedule.

      New Schema File

      • The new Schema file will use Template Extension.
        • CME Group recommends that the new Schema file be downloaded and implemented on the production launch date for each Channel.
      • New Tag 5796-TradingReferenceDate in Market Data Security Definition Message will be added to the end of the message body before repeating groups in the Security Definition templates for Futures, Options and Spreads.
        • It is extremely important that customers use the blockLength attribute of each message to ensure that the new field is either processed or ignored by their systems, and so that the next message received can be processed correctly. 
      • Minor syntax changes for consistency.


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      AutoCert+ SMART Click Integration

      On Sunday, November 22, the CERT VPN access model for AutoCert+ was replaced by a new internet based access method and users are required to access AutoCert+ via the new URL.

      • The new access model offers a secure web-based URL which provides bidirectional encryption of communications between a client and server, thereby ensuring privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
      • Customers can still log into AutoCert+ with their existing credentials.
      • There will be no change to test suite status. Customers who are in the process of certifying will not lose any data with this move.

      Starting on Monday, January 11, 2016, AutoCert+ users will have the ability to migrate to SMART Click.

      • Current users will be expected to associate their legacy user name and password to their SMART Click ID and connect via a new URL
      • New users will be expected to register their SMART Click ID and connect via a new URL

      On April 11, 2016, all AutoCert+ access will migrate to SMART Click and legacy user ID and password will be decommissioned.

      If you have questions, please contact Certification Support for Electronic Trading (CSET) in the U.S. at +1 312 930 2322, in Europe at +44 20 3379 3803, or in Asia at +65 6593 5593.


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      Update - New iLink Architecture Phase 2 Pre-Launch

      Denotes update to the article

      Starting Sunday, December 20, CME Group will continue to implement the new Market Segment Gateways (MSGW) into the iLink architecture between the trading engines and the current iLink gateways (CGW). Customers will not be able to connect directly to the MSGWs until the Phase 2 launch starting in 2016. The remaining schedule will be announced in next week’s CME Globex Notice.

      In internal testing, the MSGW Phase 2 Pre-Launch reduced iLink order entry round-trip times.

      With each MSGW Pre-Launch, CME Group expects performance enhancements which will vary for each market segment. The performance forecasts will be released two weeks prior to each MSGW Pre-Launch.

      The MSGW Phase 2 Pre-launch will include the New iLink Failover Process.

      Due to the significant performance improvements, CME Group will offer a customer mock trading session prior to each MSGW Pre-Launch weekend. These mock trading sessions will offer customers the opportunity to interact with the system and experience the new failover process in the CME Globex production environment. Customers are required to register and join the conference bridge line in order to participate in the mock trading sessions. For more information about the Mock Trading Sessions, please view the mock trading session script.

      MSGW Phase 2 Pre-Launch Schedule
      Tag1300-MarketSegmentID Market Segment Mock Trading Session MSGW Phase 2 Pre-Launch Schedule iLink Round-TrIp Times Improvement (up to)
      60 CBOT Commodity and Equity options December 19 December 20 42%
      70 CME Commodity futures December 19 December 20 36%
      72 CBOT Commodity futures December 19 December 20 33%
      54 CME Equity options December 19 TBD TBD
      64 CME E-mini S&P 500 futures December 19 TBD TBD
      66 CBOT Equity futures December 19 TBD TBD
      68 CME Equity futures excluding E-mini S&P December 19 TBD TBD
      50 CME Eurodollar options TBD
      TBD TBD
      58 CBOT Treasury options TBD
      TBD TBD
      82 CME Eurodollar futures TBD
      TBD TBD
      84 CBOT Treasury futures TBD
      TBD TBD
      56 NYMEX and COMEX options TBD
      TBD TBD
      74 Hosted Partner Exchange markets TBD
      TBD TBD
      76 NYMEX and COMEX Metals and Alternative Market futures TBD
      TBD TBD
      78 NYMEX Non-Crude Energy and Emissions futures TBD
      TBD TBD
      80 NYMEX Crude Energy futures TBD
      TBD TBD
      86 CME Europe futures and options TBD TBD TBD


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      New iLink Failover Process

      With the iLink Architecture Phase 2 Pre-Launch, CME Group will continue introducing the new iLink failover process to improve customers’ ability to recover from a CME Globex component failure. The new iLink Failover Process change will affect all iLink sessions.

      In addition to the new reject message, a new Technical Pause will be introduced to ensure that all messages sent during the MSGW failover are acknowledged by CME Globex. During the MSGW failover, CME Globex will transition all product groups on that market segment into a Technical Pause and then Technical Pre-Open. The MDP Security Status (tag 35-MsgType=f) message is generated with tag 327-HaltReason=6 (Recovery in process) to notify the market of these states. After the market transitions to pre-open, order entry will be allowed as usual.

      The new iLink failover process is currently available for customer testing in New Release.

      Detailed information including these failover behavior changes and customer New Release testing window are now available online.


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      Update - New iLink Architecture Phase 2

      Denotes update to the article

      Starting in †2016 over several months CME Group will launch Phase 2 of the new iLink Architecture, which will implement Market Segment Gateways (MSGWs) throughout the iLink infrastructure to provide:

      • FIFO ordered message handling per market segment, and
      • Elimination of variability associated with multiple sessions across multiple gateways

      The Phase 2 launch will allow customers to access the Market Segment Gateways directly and introduce a new session ID model, messaging and functionality changes. Customers may choose to access CME Globex markets through the MSGWs or the current Convenience Gateways (CGWs), which will continue to be supported and will route through the MSGWs.

      The MSGW config.xml file for the Production and New Release environments is currently available on the CME Group SFTP site. The file will contain the list of all market segments and MSGW IP addresses. Refer to MSGW – SFTP Site Information for more information.

      A new MSGW certification suite is currently available in Autocert+. Customer systems who want to connect directly to the MSGW must complete this mandatory certification.

      All customers are encouraged to review the new iLink Architecture Client Impact Assessment.

      Please contact your Global Account Manager with any questions or concerns in the U.S. at +1 312 634 8700, in Europe at +44 203 379 3754 or in Asia at +65 6593 5505 for additional information.


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      Drop Copy 4.0 Implementation

      Starting in January 2016, CME Group will implement Market Segment Gateways (MSGWs) for Drop Copy 4.0, in addition to the Convenience Gateway (CGW) implementation currently available in production. The launch schedule will be announced in future CME Globex Notices.

      With the new implementation, the Drop Copy service will have a new session model where customers will have access to two types of target sessions:

      • Drop Copy Convenience Gateway (CGW) target session - consumers manage sequence streams from Convenience Gateway iLink source sessions across all market segments.
      • Drop Copy Market Segment Gateway target session - consumers manage sequence streams from Market Segment Gateway iLink source sessions per unique market segment; with the possibility of having the same sequence numbers from multiple market segments.

      The Drop Copy 4.0 MSGW config.xml file for the Production and New Release environments is currently available on the CME Group SFTP site. The file will contain the list of all market segments and Drop Copy 4.0 MSGW IP addresses. Refer to Drop Copy 4.0 MSGW – SFTP Site Information.

      The new Drop Copy 4.0 implementation will include:

      • Harmonized customer experience between iLink and Drop Copy
      • New message format with encapsulated message type
      • New supported FIX tags on Drop Copy messages - inbound and outbound
      • Harmonized resend behavior (elimination of Application Resend functionality)
      • Sequencing by market segment (see: New iLink Architecture client impact assessment)
      • Robust fault tolerance

      Certification is mandatory for all Drop Copy customers and is a prerequisite for access to Drop Copy Convenience Gateways and Market Segment Gateway target sessions. Upon completion of certification in the new Drop Copy 4.0 test suite in AutoCert+, customers can request Drop Copy CGW and/or Drop Copy MSGW target sessions.

      Executing firms planning to leverage market segment gateway iLink sessions should follow up with their Clearing firms to confirm their readiness to support Drop Copy 4.0.

      Drop Copy 4.0 is not backward compatible and customer systems not certified for Drop Copy 4.0 will not have the ability to add MSGW sessions to their Drop Copy Group.

      The client impact assessment is now available outlining changes introduced by the new Drop Copy 4.0 implementation and details regarding functionality and messaging in the Drop Copy 4.0 Overview section.

      The existing implementation of Drop Copy will be phased out in Q1 2016. All customers leveraging the Drop Copy service must be certified for Drop Copy 4.0 by that date.

      Drop Copy 4.0 CGW and MSGW are available in New Release for customer testing.

      For more information, a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) guide is now available.

      Please contact your Global Account Manager with any questions or concerns in the U.S. at +1 312 634 8700, in Europe at +44 203 379 3754 or in Asia at +65 6593 5505 for additional information.


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      iLink Session ID Policy and Operational Guidelines

      As a result of the upcoming iLink Architecture with Market Segment Gateways, CME Group plans to introduce a new policy for the distribution and management of iLink session IDs as explained in the iLink Session ID Policy and Operational Guidelines.

      A Port Activation Charge (PAC) will apply to all newly created Convenience Gateway (CGW) iLink sessions. Newly created and existing CGW iLink session IDs will not be subject to Monthly Inactivity (MIC) measurement or surcharges until iLink Session Policy Phase 2 begins, which is estimated to be March 1, 2016.

      To ensure a successful migration to the revised iLink Session Policy, clearing and executing firms are encouraged to contact their Global Account Manager with any questions.


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      Product Launches

      New - Renewable Identification Number Futures

      Effective Sunday, December 20 (trade date Monday, December 21), the following Renewable Identification Number (RIN) 2016 vintage futures will be listed for trading on CME Globex and for clearing submission via CME ClearPort.

      Product FIX/FAST and iLink: tag 1151-Security Group
      MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset
      FIX/FAST and iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      D4 Biodiesel RINs (Argus) 2016 Futures D46 RI (R-eye)
      D6 Ethanol RINs (Argus) 2016 Futures D66 RI (R-eye)

      These futures are currently available in New Release for customer testing.

      Please view the New Product Summary.

      This contract is listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of NYMEX.


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      Update - 1-Month and 3-Month Euro/US Dollar (EUR/USD) Realized Volatility Futures

      Denotes update to the article

      Effective Sunday, December 20 (trade date Monday, December 21), 1-Month and 3-Month EUR/USD Realized Volatility futures will be listed for trading on CME Globex and for submission for clearing via CME ClearPort.

      1-Month and 3-Month Euro/US Dollar (EUR/USD) Realized Volatility Futures
      Product iLink: tag 1151-Security Group
      MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset
      iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      3-Month EUR/USD Realized Volatility Futures 36E 6E
      1-Month EUR/USD Realized Volatility Futures 16E 6E

      These futures are available for customer testing in New Release on Monday, December 14.

      Please view the New Product Summary.

      These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of CME.


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      Ultra 10-Year Treasury Note Futures and Options

      Effective Sunday, January 10, 2016 (trade date Monday, January 11), Ultra 10-Year Treasury Note futures and options will be listed for trading on CME Globex and for submission for clearing via CME ClearPort.

      Ultra 10-Year Treasury Note Futures and Options
      Product iLink: tag 1151-Security Group
      MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset
      iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      Ultra 10-Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures TN Z1
      Options on Ultra 10-Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures OTN T1
      Weekly Options on Ultra 10-Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures TN1-TN5 T2
      2-Year T-Note Futures vs. Ultra 10-Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures Inter-commodity Ratio Spread TUX IV
      3-Year T-Note Futures vs. Ultra 10-Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures Inter-commodity Ratio Spread TYX IV
      5-Year T-Note Futures vs. Ultra 10-Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures Inter-commodity Ratio Spread FIX IV
      10-Year T-Note Futures vs. Ultra 10-Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures Inter-commodity Ratio Spread TEX IV
      10-Year T-Note Futures vs. Ultra 10-Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures Inter-commodity 1-to-1 Ratio Spread NON IV
      Ultra 10-Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures vs. U.S. Treasury Bond Futures Inter-commodity Ratio Spread NCB IV
      Ultra 10-Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures vs. Ultra U.S. Treasury Bond Futures Inter-commodity Ratio Spread NUB IV

      These futures and options are available in New Release for customer testing.

      These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of CBOT.


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      Product Changes

      New - De-listing U.S. Dollar Denominated Crude Palm Oil Futures

      On Monday, December 7, U.S. Dollar Denominated Crude Palm Oil futures was delisted for trading on the CME Globex electronic trading platform. There is currently no open interest in this product.

      U.S. Dollar Denominated Crude Palm Oil Futures
      Product iLink: tag 1151-Security Group
      MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset
      iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      U.S. Dollar Denominated Crude Palm Oil Futures CPO UC


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      Changes to Random Length Lumber Futures and Options Trading Hours

      Effective Monday, December 14, Random Length Lumber futures and options trading hours will be modified on CME Globex.

      Changes to Random Length Lumber Futures and Options Trading Hours
      Product iLink: tag 1151-Security Group
      MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset
      iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      Current Trading Hours New Trading Hours

      Random Length Lumber Futures and Options

      LBS Futures: LU
      Options: W3
      Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. opening.
      Daily trading halts 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
      Trading restarts at 5:00 p.m. and continues until 9:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday. At 9:00 p.m. the markets halt and re-open at 9:00 a.m. the next morning.
      Friday 1:55 p.m. Close
      Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
      Friday 9:00 a.m. - 1:55 p.m.

      These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of the CME.


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      New - Renaming E-mini CNX Nifty Index Futures

      Effective Sunday, December 20 (trade date Monday, December 21), the E-mini CNX Nifty Index Futures will be renamed to E-mini NIFTY 50 Index Futures.

      Renaming E-mini CNX Nifty Index Futures to E-mini NIFTY 50 Index Futures
      Old Product Name New Product Name iLink: tag 1151-Security Group
      MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset
      iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      E-mini CNX Nifty Index Futures E-mini NIFTY 50 Index Futures MNF FN

      These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of the CME.


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      Change to Minimum Price Increment for Euro/U.S. Dollar (EUR/USD) Futures

      Effective Sunday, January 10, 2016 (trade date Monday, January 11), the minimum price increment for the Euro/U.S. Dollar futures will be changed from .0001 to .00005 commencing with the March 2016 maturity and beyond. With this change, tag 969-MinPriceIncrement will be modified as follows:

      Change to Minimum Price Increment for Euro/U.S. Dollar (EUR/USD) Futures
      Product iLink: tag 1151-Security Group
      MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset
      iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      tag 969-MinPriceIncrement
      tag 969-MinPriceIncrement
      Euro/U.S. Dollar Futures 6E 6E 1 0.5

      This change is available for customer testing in New Release.

      These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of CME.


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      Events and Announcements

      Reduced Velocity Logic Parameters

      Starting on trade date Thursday, December 24 through the close of trading on Thursday, December 31, CME Group will reduce the price parameters that trigger Velocity Logic by 50 percent. In addition, CME Group will double the standard monitoring period.

      Please note: Regular Velocity Logic parameters will apply to CME Europe products.

      The Velocity Logic parameters for every CME Globex product are defined in the CME Globex Product Reference.

      Order Routing and Front-End Audit Trail Requirements

      As previously announced in the Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1509-5, all firms must comply with the new Order Routing and Front-End Audit Trail Requirements (Rule 536.B.) by April 1, 2016. All new, and currently certified, iLink order routing applications must certify or recertify their trading systems to ensure full compliance with the new audit trail requirements.

      Detailed information on the new specification is available in the Client Systems Wiki.

      Important changes to the Order Routing and Front-End Audit Trail Requirements:

      • Market Regulation will now require the Audit Trail for certifications and annual exams to be submitted in CSV or Excel file format with specific column order as outlined in the Minimum Acceptable Audit Trail Elements.
      • The new specifications of the audit trail file provides details for each column on data requirements for tier 1 and tier 2 components
      • Clarification of how to represent market maker functionality at the quote entry level as well as how to properly represent Request for Cross (RFC) and Request for Quote (RFQ)s.
      • Additional iLink messages are now in scope of the audit trail:
        • Session Level Reject (tag 35-MsgType=3)
        • Business Level Reject (tag 35-MsgType=j)
        • Order Mass Action Request (tag 35-MsgType=CA)
        • Order Mass Action Report (tag 35-MsgType=BZ)
      • For improved representation of the information exchanged between trading systems and CME Globex, 17 data points have been added and 16 data points have been removed from the audit trail specifications.
      • The new 2016 specifications simplify data capture by removing requirements to capture data from other interfaces than iLink, including market data and post-trade system interfaces.

      CME Group recommends all applications certifying for Market Segment Gateway (MSGW) certify for the new audit trail requirements simultaneously.

      Please forward any questions regarding the new Order Routing and Front-End Audit Trail Requirements to: audittrail@cmegroup.com.


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